This is just a part of the Narnia historical legacy. Come see it, know it and live it in your next trip

Narnia Medieval re-enactment of 14th century (photo above), taking place in Narnia every April and May months (springtime edition) and in June (summer edition). Cavaliers tournament called Corsa all’anello (the Tournament of the Silver Ring)

The first printed original Narnia statute 18th century

Narnia manuscript 18th century

Narnia manuscript 17th century

Narnia wax seal mould, 17th century

Narnia seal mould 16th century

Erasmo Gattamelata from Narnia (born in Narnia 1370-died in Padua 1443) Famous mercenary captain of Venice Republic. The Gattamelata statue in Padua.

Erasmo Gattamelata Mercenary Captain’ house in Narnia

Emperor Augustus’ Bridge (27 B.C.), part of the old Flaminia Road, over the Nahar (Nera) river. Inspiration source of painters and writers like, Lord Byron (London) for his international tales written after his journey; Le Grand Tour in Italy (1809).The biggest roman bridge in Europe

 Watch the video how the romans built the bridge. Courtesy of Carit Foundation.

Cocceio Nerva Narnia In Italy

Roman Emperor Cocceio Nerva from Narnia, 30-98 A.D.  Statue in Narnia.

Cocceio Nerva statue in Gloucester, Great Britain.
Narnia in Italy

Roman military camp re-enactment in Narnia

Click here for a short visit to Narnia

Cardona’s Bridge, most important part of the roman aqueduct near the geographical centre of Italy, called Formina. First century A.D. Built during the Tiberio's Empire

Saint Angel Castle

Sant’Angelo Castle

Sacrificial Stone

Sacrificial stone facing the Nahar valley and river gorges (gole del Nera)

Narnia by night

Narnia by night

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