Watch tourist opinion about the real Narnia, during her unexpected visit from New Zealand
Romans academics Narnia’s citations
Narnia appears in severals important romans academics writings as : Livio in Historiae , Tacito in Tacito Annals, Plinio il Vecchio in Naturals Stories. Plinio il Giovane, in Letters to mother in law, Pompea Celerina.
Narni, qual dorme in Santo Giovenale
su l’arca il senatore Pietro Cesi,
al dormi tu su’ massi tuoi scoscesi
intorno al tuo Palagio comunale.
Sogni il buon Nerva in ostro imperiale?
o Giovanni tra gli odii in Roma accesi?
Io di secoli, d’acque e d’elci intesi
murmure che dal Nar fino a te sale.
E vidi su la tua Piazza Priora,
ove muto anco dura il cittadino
orgoglio, alzarsi una grand’ombra armata:
Grande a cavallo il tuo Gattamelata,
sempiterno in quel bronzo fiorentino
che gli invidian lo Sforza ed il Caldora.
Narni, that rest in Saint Giovenale and Senator Pietro Cesi
and sleep on your steep rockys
Around your town hall
Dream about the good roman empereor Nerva?
Life of centuries, of waters and trees
The noise of the Nar river climb up to you
And I saw in your Priors Square
still proud on his horse, your Gattamelata and his army
everlast in his florentine bronze statue
envy of Sforza and Caldora mercenary captains.
Poetry english explication
In 1670 it is born the word Le Grand Tour, to describes the english and french aristocratics and artists journeys to Italy through the Flaminia road. The famous British romantic writer, Lord Byron, was one of them. He described his journey in his narrative poem ” Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”, 1812-18
Others famous writers and novelists who visited the Nahar river valley and the Flaminia road, during the Le Grand Tour: Hans Christian Andersen, Wilhelm Heinse and Goethe